Human Study United Kingdom

Human Study UK was established as a result of a growing network of friends and supporters of the work that Human Study School of Rehabilitation Sciences does since 2005. We educate professionals who treat persons with disabilities. We help people rebuild their lives after suffering a trauma and loosing their limbs due to war or other causes. The demand for P&O professionals is immense and we work to answer this demand by using our experience and international network.

Board of Trustees

The history of Human Study

The idea of Human Study was born out of a strong belief that education in prosthetics and orthotics can and should be made accessible to people everywhere in the world, so that persons with disabilities can have an access to proper rehabilitation services.
Christian Schlierf, then a young German Meister in Prosthetics and Orthotics, with several years of international experience in education, founded Human Study as a school for rehabilitation sciences that was to use advanced technology to bring knowledge and skills to practitioners of prosthetics and orthotics all around the world.
Human Study was established in 2005 in Nuremberg, Germany, Christian’s home town. A specific blended learning format was developed to make cost-effective education in prosthetics and orthotics available to groups of students who otherwise had no chance of access to professional development.
This approach to teaching has made it possible for Human Study ever since to bring together students and teachers who are geographically very far apart, allowing some of the best experts in the profession to share their knowledge with students from all around the world. We have managed to overcome obstacles and continued to educate our students in countries like Bosnia, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Syria.
Due to the quality of our work, our educational programs acquired international accreditation by the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) and we are an official member of the ISPO Open Board. We work with universities, state agencies and non-governmental organizations to create educational solutions that fit the needs of each group according to circumstances.